Colorado VOAD Advisory Board
The Colorado VOAD Advisory Board was established in early 2024, after Colorado VOAD officially became a non-501c3 nonprofit organization. The Advisory board has review the annual 2024 workplan, misison of Colorado VOAD, and Bylaws regarding the role of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board currently meets on a quarterly basis following the COVOAD Quarterly Membership Meetings. The COVOAD Advisory Board is a standard Nonprofit Board of Directors’that collectively contribute to guiding and supporting Colorado VOAD’s continued growth and improvement in supporting our members, partners, and Emergency Management teams across the state of Colorado through all phases of disaster.
Colorado VOAD Advisory Board Members include:
Andrew Notbohm, Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (PPROEM)
Cori Tanner, American Red Cross
Cathy Kissner, Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh Day Adventist
Anne Walton, Douglas County OEM
Joycelyn Fankhouser, Boulder County OEM
Charlotte Olsen, The Administration for Children & Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)